piątek, 22 stycznia 2016

World Of Warships Aim Assist By Johans


World Of Warships Aim Assist By Johans


Unzip to your_game_directory/res_mods/
Strat/restart your game.
In game graphic settings set aspect ratio to 16:9
(instruction how to use aimassist with different aspect ratio)

Alternative view is not necessary. If you mark it you wont need to press Alt key at begin of battle.

Config instructions:

Use proper text editor while changing aim.xml file. I recomend Notepad++. Make file backup before you start. Error handling is not implemented, so double check what you changed.
Config file is loaded at the begin of every battle. You dont have to restart your game client to load changed aim.xml file.

Marker is too low at all ships?

In graphic settings set aspect ratio to 16:9
To use 4:3 aspect ratio change in config:
For other proportions you have to find these values by trial and error.
First change <zoom> to move marker at proper height, then change <distancescale> to set correct marker length. By increasing zoom value marker moves up.  By increasing distancescale value marker becomes longer. 


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World Of Warships Aim Assist By Johans

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