9.13 b4it v17
100% working without any issue!
Totally new coded mod!
b4it v17 require different installation than previous versions, more info Here Including:
– 6th sense without perk !
6th sense without the 6th sense perk with “Rudy The Dog” sound (barking) and warning sign when are you spotted.
With two options:
Yellow: You might be spotted, if the enemy crew is on 121% with BIA and additional consumables like cocacola or simmilar
Red: There is very high possibilitie that you were spotted
– RedBall
Places the red ball on the position where hidden arty has fired a shell.
– Destructibles on minimap
Indicates the positions on the minimap where the objects were destroyed by the enemy vehicles driving over.
– Tundra
Makes Trees and the bushes transparent.
– Lasers
Extends the enemy gun with the line (laser) in the aiming direction.
– Enemy Reload timer + powerbar
Shows enemy reloading and clip status with the bar, the timer and the remaining shells in the clip.
– Auto Repair (repair modules, crew health + Automatic Extinguisher)
Automaticly repairs damaged modules, heal the crew and extinguish a fire (repair kit, medic kit and manual fire extinguisher consumables must be mounted).
– Info Panel to target (Show installed modules to target + real visible distance and Maximum visible distance)
Modules and view range info panel for targeted vehicle.
– Gui setting
Possibility for in-game change mod settings in a menu in hangar.
– Aim Bot by lportii
Aiming selected enemy with moving target leading capabilities (activated with right mouse click).
– Chameleon
Shows the enemy vehicles in different colors coded by the penetration depth.
– Something was hit
Indicates hitting the non-visible vehicle.
– Shadow of the disappeared enemy
Places a shadow of the enemy vehicle that has just dissapeared.
– Arty splash sphere
Shows arty splash damage area.
– Red Poll
Position of the spotted enemy vehicles and last know positions outside the drawing range.
– When enemy aiming at you shows damage indicator.
Shows direction indicator when the enemy is pointing/aiming at you.
– Black Sky
The mod makes the sky black.
– X-Ray
Hot Keys:
Autoaim Numpad 0
Black Sky Control+Numpad2
Tundra Numpad 2
Laser Numpad 1
+ auto updater on start game
+ change old autoaim to new autoaim
+ fixed crash if not buyed
01.02.2016 all old versions will be disabled. work only 17+ versions
= fixed “Black Sky” issue
= fixed XVM minimap issue
= fixed xvm minimap issue with shoot marker (Autofocus mod)
+ added info about visible and camo info to new tanks in 9.13
+ added simple x-ray mod
+ added version controle to json files, if you use old config, mod generate error in log and load default config in memory, for recreate json, need delete old config and restart WOT
+added new flash method, you load replay and drag’n’drop flash on screen (support spotted intuition Lamp, spotted list and Target Info panel
+added new options to show in Target Info: loaded ammo to focused tank (enemy and ally), new macros in config shell
= fixed some translation issues
= changed Under fire indication, now show indication if enemy visible you
= changed json configs! Need DELETE old.
= fixed direction indicator issue in Auto Focus
= fixed bug in Auto Focus, randomly crashed game after battle
= changed Auto Focus method to find hidden enemy, now show shoot in minimap and mark who shoot
= fixed issue in reload mod, fast reload indication on start battle to ally tanks
= fixed Tundra issue in sniper mode
How to completely Enable / Disable single mods
Photo 1 see Green button, mod is Enabled
Click on Green button and become red, see photo 2
Mod is Disabled (deactivated)
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